What Are The Benefits of Using Wicker Property MGMT
Higher Quality Tenants:
Think of tenant screening as the moat and draw bridge around your castle. It is certainly possible to get a bad tenant out of your home once they are in, but it’s a real hassle and you are so much better off never accepting them in the first place. A thorough screening process results in reliable tenants that:
Pay on time
Rent longer
Put less wear and tear on the unit
Generally cause less problems
Shorter Vacancy Cycles:
Wicker Property MGMT will help you perform three critical tasks that affect how long it takes to fill your vacancies:
Improve and prepare the property for rent - A property manager will suggest and oversee cosmetic improvements that maximize revenue.
Determine the best rent rate - Too high and you are stuck waiting, to low and you’re losing money every month the tenant is in the unit. Determining the optimal price requires knowledge of the local market, data on recently sold comparables, and access to rental rate tools.
Effectively market your property - An experienced property management company has written hundreds of ads and understands what to say and where advertise in order to get a larger pool of candidates in a shorter period of time. Additionally because of their volume they can usually negotiate cheaper advertising rates both online and offline. Lastly, they are familiar with sales and know how to close when they field calls from prospects and take them on showings.
6 Point Tenant Screening
60 day Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Dedicated Management
Personalized Service
24/7 Emergency Maintenance
Rentals Leased Quickly
Licensed & Insured
Yearly Income/Experience Reporting
Fewer Costly And Time Consuming Legal Problems:
Wicker Property MGMT knows it only takes one troublesome tenant to cause significant legal and financial headaches. At Wicker Property MGMT we are armed with the knowledge of the latest landlord-tenant laws and will ensure that you are not leaving yourself vulnerable to a potential lawsuit. Each state and municipality have their own laws, these plus federal law cover a number of areas including but not limited to:
Tenant screening
Safety and property conditions of the property
Lease addendums
Terminating leases
Handling security deposits
Rent collection
Avoiding a single law suit can more than pay for the property management fees, and spare you time and anguish.

WICKER PROPERTY MGMT will help you perform three critical tasks that affect how long it takes to fill your vacancies.

WICKER PROPERTY MGMT will help you perform three critical tasks that affect how long it takes to fill your vacancies.

WICKER PROPERTY MGMT will help you perform three critical tasks that affect how long it takes to fill your vacancies.

WICKER PROPERTY MGMT will help you perform three critical tasks that affect how long it takes to fill your vacancies.